Ten Things I Hate About Porn: Lack of Condoms

I am not currently on the pill. This is quite a rare occurrence: I’ve been on it almost continuously since I was 16. Two months ago, however, I decided to take a break in the hope that my acne would disappear. I was wrong; but I definitely feel better now I am not bombarding my body with hormones on a day to day basis. I feel more energetic and I have less of an urge to stuff myself with chocolate. 


I’ve felt so fantastic since stopping the pill that I am considering making it a permanent fixture. The only problem is that I’m going on a date tomorrow (with S – a guy I was sexting about a year ago but we only met for the first time this month) and I can guarantee I will want sex. And I don’t want to use a condom.

Why not? For me, it feels more or less the same. Bit of extra lube, which is good. Plus I don’t have to deal with the disgusting sensation of cum dribbling out of my vagina at some point between 2 minutes and 6 hours post-sex. I believe it feels a bit better for the guy without one, so I guess it’s to do with that. And laziness. Regardless of any of this, the outcome is the same: I hate using condoms, and almost never do so.

I’ve discussed this issue before, in relation to the transmission STIs. This irresponsible and lackadaisical attitude to condoms is totally unacceptable and down right dangerous. And it’s not just me: as I have discussed previously, I believe this is normal behaviour for heterosexual couples, even in causal sex.

For me, of course, the answer is obvious. If things go well on my date tomorrow and I end up shagging S, then I will use a condom. Simple. But what about those many occasions in the past where I have not bothered? And the millions of others out there who are happily shagging condom-free, simply due to laziness and habit?

Porn, I believe, has the answer.

Straight porn rarely features a condom. No big deal? I think it is. It normalizes the idea that having casual sex or group sex is fine without protection. In gay porn, condom use is far more widespread, and we see a corresponding increase in the percentage of gay people who use condoms regularly. Humans are simple creatures; we copy what we see. If we see porn stars shagging bareback, then we do too.

Only last week, Charlie Sheen disclosed his HIV positive diagnosis. I think this was a brave decision, and the right decision. It raises awareness of the disease and hopefully will reduce some of the stigma attached to it. But I also hope it will make people think more carefully about using a condom. I certainly will.


Ten Things I Hate About Porn: French Manicures

For some, a French manicure is the ultimate in nail design: classy, elegant, chic and sophisticated.

When I see a French manicure, however, I am instantly reminded of porn. I suppose this is why I’m not a fan: they look tacky to me. The Dutchess of Cambridge could have one, and I’d still think it looks naff.


Let us forget aesthetics for a moment, though, and consider a few practicalities:

  1. Nails are sharp.
  2. Nails break easily, and if you get those stick-on gel ones, they are notorious for falling off.

Ah, yes. Something sharp that may peel off at any moment. That’s exactly what I want to use to rub my clitoris and to slip inside my vagina and/or anus.

Oh wait.

No. No it is not. I cringe when I see women with French manicures playing with themselves or each other in porn. It makes me want to curl up in a ball and weep. My vagina literally contracts with horror.

Why the fuck would I want to put something sharp ON MY CLITORIS? Are you a total fucking lunatic? And why would anyone want to risk the (admittedly hilarious) possibility of a gel nail falling off inside one of their orifices? Besides, they don’t even look nice! Please, stop.

French manis can fuck off.


Ten Things I Hate About Porn: Women Who Look Like Girls

As with all aspects of the media, there are loads of issues regarding the impact porn has on women’s (and men’s) body image. When we think of porn stars, we think of curves: stereotypically, the women are cartoon-like in appearance, with huge tits, a big booty and a slim waist in between the two. Long hair, lots of make up, a shaved pussy and small labia are also ubiquitous to the ‘porn star’ look.

Despite being problematic in many ways, the issue of presenting an unrealistic body image is not my primary concern with porn. You don’t have to browse for long to discover that there are masses of videos starring women who are pretty ‘normal’ in appearance (perhaps due to the popularity of amateur films) and there are loads of mainstream categories which feature women who don’t fit the curvaceous stereotype. What concerns me more is the popularity of porn depicting women who, frankly, don’t look like women at all. They look like children.

To be clear: I’m not discussing child porn. I think we can all be in agreement that child porn is terrible. I am talking about porn where the actresses are over 18, but they look younger. The kind of stuff you find in categories like ‘teen’, ‘babe’, ‘young’ and ‘petite’.

Why is that so bad? Some might argue that these videos are representing a very real group of young women – women who are petite, slim and have small breasts – and that it has nothing to do with the fact that the women look like they are younger than 18. But I disagree. I spent less than a minute scrolling through today’s ‘featured videos’ on PornHub, and found films entitled ‘I need you daddy’ and ‘Schoolgirl gets her panties filled with cum’. Nothing to do with the fact the actresses look young, you say? Bollocks. And this kind of video is anything but niche: according to PornMD, ‘teen’ is the second most searched for term globally.


Is it wrong to watch women who look very young having sex with men who look decades older? Perhaps not: the actresses are 18, after all, and I don’t want to judge or stigmatize people for their preferences when it comes to porn. But personally, the ‘young and old’ theme makes me feel uncomfortable and I question why it has gained such widespread popularity, and whether this is having an impact on our real-life sexual activity.


10 Things I Hate About Porn

I was 19 when I lost my pornography virginity. I don’t know what took me so long: my real-life cherry had been popped 4 years previously, and I had been masturbating regularly (sans-porn) for considerably longer. Compelled to catch up from my late start, I spent my years at university watching porn as often as I could reasonably manage (which was a lot – I did an arts degree…)

If I’m honest, though, my first encounter with porn was rather like my first encounter with a cock: I felt nervous, guilty and scared. I didn’t know which websites were good, so I just typed ‘porn’ into Google and clicked on the top result: PornHub. I remember feeling sickened by the fat, middle-aged men who starred in the videos, and horrified by how violent everything seemed. I finally settled on watching a clip of an overly made-up woman masturbating with a dildo.

Like with sex, things improved once the first time was over.


Nowadays, I have a fairly healthy relationship with porn . Unlike when I first started watching it (when I would rarely masturbate without it) I now watch it far less frequently.That said, I don’t think I could ever give it up completely: I tried to quit for lent last year, but three days in I was browsing pictures of hot guys on Tumblr and one thing led to another and … yeah.

But despite the fact that I enjoy my adventures on the ‘other internet’, there are still lots of things I hate about porn. Some are trivial, some are troubling, and others are frankly terrifying. Over the next few days I will sharing my thoughts through a series of posts entitled: Ten Things I Hate About Porn. I’d love to hear your thoughts.



Thoughts which make me come

For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed inventing stories in my head, and since I hit puberty, the vast majority of these fantasies have involved sex (I’m sure my high school English teachers would be delighted that I have been putting my creative talents to such good use). It is rare for a day go by without a dirty daydream crossing my mind. I think this might be one reason why I enjoy sexting so much: it’s creative collaboration.

Yet despite my vivid imagination and the large bank of filthy fantasies I have catalogued in my mind over the years, when it comes to making me come (pun intended), I always imagine the same old thing: anal.


Nine times out of ten, when I make myself come, it is the thought of a big, throbbing cock being forced deep into my ass which pushes me over the edge.

Why? I’m not sure. Initially I think it was to do with anal having something of a ‘taboo’ status – to me at least – which made it seem extra kinky. Then, for a while, I kept on trying it while drunk (a lack of lube and a lack of patience led to a low success rate here), which only made me want to try it more. Now I wonder if it’s just a habit: I lie in bed, begin to construct an elaborate fantasy in my mind, and when I reach the point when I know I’m close, the man (or one of the men…) in my fantasy flips me onto my front and tells me that he is going to fuck my ass. I feel him press his dick against my asshole. Harder. I let out a moan as he begins to penetrate me. He feels intrusively large as he pushes deeper inside me … and I come.

A whole world of possibilities. A whole internet full of porn. And yet that is what does it for me more than anything else. I’m not even sure I’d like it if it happened in real life. But in my mind, it makes me come. Every. Single. Time.







A few weeks ago, I had a distressing realisation: I keep shagging without using a condom. And that’s bad.


I vowed to get myself down to the GUM clinic ASAP.

And so, this evening, I finally paid my local clinic a visit. (Yes, it’s taken me nearly three weeks … clearly lackadaisicality is a trait of mine both in and out of the bedroom…)

It’s been a while since I had a check up, which is ridiculous: appointments are FREE, you don’t have to book, and I live less than five minutes walk away from the clinic. There’s no excuse really.

I had, however, forgotten what a bizarre experience a GUM clinic check up is. The shame. The invasive questions. The mild physical discomfort. And for some reason, I always find the whole experience darkly comical. Today was no exception: from unexpected encounters to missing veins, I feel this anecdote needs sharing….

1. Shame

Obviously, there is no shame in visiting the GUM clinic. Taking care of one’s sexual health is a responsible thing to do. And yet, for some reason, whenever I go for a check up I find myself checking over my shoulder before I enter the building. I speak to the receptionist in hushed tones, so as not to be overheard (despite the fact that the only potential eavesdroppers are also clinic patients, just like me…). I fill in the questionnaire in my neatest handwriting, desperate to prove myself as a respectable human being. It’s daft.

Today, however, my worst fears were realised. The unthinkable happened. All of my irrational shame suddenly intensified a thousand times over.

You guessed it.

As I sat in the waiting room, who should stroll into the clinic but M.

I’ve known M for years. We were at uni together, and then, by coincidence, ended up working together. But in all that time, I wouldn’t say our relationship has ever reached a particularly comfortable point – this surprise encounter is not something we could just laugh off like best friends would. I give him a lift to work sometimes, and the conversation is usually just that: work. To make things even worse, he is hot, and I’m not going to lie, I’ve thought about the possibility of shagging him before (pretty recently, actually).

Basically, he’s right at the top of the list of people I don’t want to bump into at the GUM clinic (along with my Dad, my boss and any of my current or ex-pupils).

I did what anyone would have done: pretended I hadn’t seen him. I stared at my phone as if it was the most fascinating thing on earth. I blushed like a bride whose dress has just ripped and she has inadvertently mooned her parents, the vicar and a whole church full of friends and relatives. I wished for the ground to swallow me up.

He left pretty sharpish (potentially because he had seen me and also had a similar panic attack and didn’t fancy making small talk with me in the waiting room). Thank god.

I’m giving him a lift to work tomorrow though. Not quite sure yet whether to acknowledge having seen him. Maybe I’ll say something vague like “how was your evening?”. Or just be bold: “Morning – how’s your dick today?”. Ha. I probably just won’t say anything…

2. Invasive questions

I know they have to ask. And I know they don’t judge. But still… nobody goes to the GUM clinic after six months of celibacy, do they? No. They go because they’ve been getting laid. Lots, probably. And those bloody questions feel like an interrogation …

Q. When did you last have sex?

A: Beginning of May …. so … six weeks ago, roughly.

Q. Was this with a man, a woman, or both?

A: Man.

Q: Was it with a regular partner?

A. Um… well … we had sex more than once if that counts?

Q. Well, would you say you know him?

A. Yes.

Q. Did you have oral, anal or vaginal intercourse?

A. Oral and vaginal [fingers in the bum don’t count, right?]

Q. Did you use a condom?

A. No. [Why do you think I’m here?! For the banter?!]

Q. When was your last partner previous to this one?

A. About 2 weeks earlier.

Q. Was it with a man?

A. Yes.

Q. Oral/anal/vaginal?

A. Oral and vaginal [a tongue in the bum doesn’t count, right?]

Q. Did you use a condom?

A. I can’t remember [No.]

Q. And when your last partner before this one?

A. Err… about a week before that…

The conversation continues like this until she thinks I have done my penance for all my promiscuity. The worst one I ever had was upon returning from a six month ‘ski’ season (aka. sex fest). I honestly thought she was gonna offer me a chastity belt after that little chat.

3. Mild physical discomfort

If you haven’t had an STI check up before, it’s pretty simple. You stick something that looks like a cotton bud in your vag, give it a wiggle, and put it in a tube. Job done. (Except where I used to live … they were still in the dark ages and insisted you had to put your feet in the stirrups and then they would have a scrape around in there themselves with some metal prong…. that was nasty).

They also do a blood test for HIV.

Now, I am fine with needles. I associate them with sweets. The thought of having blood taken doesn’t bother me one bit.


Nurse: “Hmm. I can’t seem to find your vein.”

I discovered at my last check up that the phrase: “I can’t seem to find your vein” is medical speak for “imma poke you with this needle for a few minutes and bruise the fuck out of your arm.”

Or, if you are really lucky like I was today: “imma stick this needle in your hand instead and then leave it in there for a good ten minutes, wiggling it around occasionally, complaining that you won’t bleed quickly enough.”

Fuck needles.

4. Comedy

When sitting in the waiting room desperately trying to avoid making eye contact with M, I subconsciously started Tinder-ing. A few matches later, I suddenly came to my senses.

I am sitting in the GUM clinic waiting room…

… playing on Tinder.

Oh the irony.



I woke up this morning and, to my delight, this fantasy appeared fully formed in my mind. Inevitably, this led to some early morning masturbation and I was very nearly late for work…


Photo Credit: Getty

Not quite conscious, I am drifting in that blissful state in between sleeping and waking. I can feel his naked body pressed against mine, spooning me. His erection is throbbing against my bum – I know how much he wants to fuck me there – his fingers teasing my nipples. I smile, and open my eyes slightly.

His hand slides down my tummy and in between my legs. His fingers press against my clit, circling slowly. I let out a sigh. He presses harder: I run my hand over my breasts, squeezing my erect nipples. My heart starts to race and I can feel my pussy become wet. Sensing this, he slips two fingers deep inside me and I moan. As his fingers fuck me, his thumb is still pressed hard against my clit, moving from side to side, driving me crazy. I can feel my cheeks flush, my legs trembling slightly. “Fuck me,” I whisper, desperate to feel his cock push deep inside me.

He rolls me onto my front and I stretch my arms out in front of me, gripping the headboard, bracing myself for his first thrust. But he doesn’t move. Still lying on his side next to me, he runs his hand over my bum, squeezing one cheek and then the other. My breathing is unsteady – I am not sure how much of this torture I can take. I want to feel him inside me. I need him to fuck me.

Then, suddenly: Smack.

I gasp as his hand strikes my bum. I close my eyes, exhaling slowly. I want more.

Again: Smack. SMACK.

Harder this time. He runs his hand across the cheek he struck, soothing me. I tighten my grip on the headboard, my pussy wetter than ever.

Again and again he smacked me. Each time, I gasp and moan. I can feel my skin become hot where he hits me; I feel sure a big, red hand print is forming on my ass. With every smack I become more aroused, my cheeks rosier, my pussy aching for him to enter me.

And finally, my reward came. He straddled me from behind, gripping my shoulder with one hand for leverage, and in one smooth movement forced his cock between my legs and deep into my pussy. I couldn’t moan, I couldn’t scream. I just buried my face deep into the pillow, fists clenched, my whole body in total ecstasy. I could feel my bum burn even redder as his pelvis struck me with every thrust. The bed shook as he fucked me harder and harder and I began to moan louder and louder. He knew I was almost there: his hand snaked its way underneath me, across my tummy and again to my clit. It only took a few more seconds: his cock roughly fucking my pussy, his fingers rubbing hard against my clit. I came. My whole body shuddered, my pussy tightened around his cock. ‘I’m coming,’ I moaned – as if he didn’t already know. Seconds later, I felt his cock spasm as he came deep inside me.

He collapsed on top of me. Him still inside me, we lay, panting and sweaty, for a few moments more. Wordlessly, he kissed my neck as he slid off me and went to shower.


Will he like it if I put a finger in his bum?

Until a few days ago, I’d never really thought about this. I mean, I know it’s meant to feel amazing (prostate and all that….), but I always just assumed that a guy would freak out if I tried something with his bum. But I had a drunken chat with a friend on Friday night and he told me that he asked a girl to do this to him recently. She obliged, and he loved it.

In retrospect, I have no idea why I thought men would freak out about this. I mean, guys try things with my bum all the time (like BP and X and numerous people before them…) and I’m fine with it. And even if I wasn’t fine with it, I wouldn’t freak out – I’d just tell him to stop.

Plus, it’s meant to feel INCREDIBLE.

Bloggers, help me out here. Should I do it? Will he freak out? How do I approach this?

Obviously I’m not just going to stick a finger up there with no warning; I’m not totally lacking in empathy and common decency. But equally, I don’t really fancy having an “I want to put my finger in your bum because I think you’d really enjoy it, how do you feel about that?” conversation.



Photo Credit: Daniel Jones


Sexting Highlights

Back in April, I met BP for the first time. It was a dreamy weekend: two days of racing in glorious sunshine, and a big party on the Saturday night. 


BP kindly took note of the motto ‘sun’s out, guns out’ and took his top off for much of Saturday. He has the physique of a God. In the interests of ‘team building’, I thought it was only right that we should bang that night. I wasn’t sure if he was into me or not, but I’d forgotten that he (being a man) lacks the capacity to turn down sex. It was a done deal.

I had a great night. (OK, I was too drunk to remember it …. but the following weekend we went for round 2 and it was fucking incred.) Despite initial concerns that he might be one of those blokey blokes who doesn’t understand the meaning of foreplay, or what a clitoris is, he proved me wrong. He also put a cheeky finger in my bum, cuddled me all night and absolutely nailed the morning sex. All the gimmicks.

sex positions 6 EDIT

Since then, there have been no more competitions and he lives far(ish) away so we haven’t seen each other. You might expect a two-night stand such as this to just fizzle out – I certainly did. But we’ve been messaging ever since and while I don’t kid myself that this is going to blossom into a beautiful romance, there are a few more competitions coming up over the summer and I certainly wouldn’t mind fucking his brains out at those.

And, of course, we’ve been sexting. (I love sexting). I thought I’d share a few highlights with you from the last month or so…. you know, just those messages that really make me tingle with excitement….. enjoy.

BP: I have to say, I enjoy the memory of being in the dark, lying on my back and feeling you tighten up as you whispered in my ear ‘I’m cumming’.

Me: I was just thinking about having your cock in my mouth and seeing how deep I could take it…

BP: Now you’ve gone and done it. I’m going to have to sort myself out now.

Me: Not sorry at all…

BP: On another note, you lips where so bloody soft when they were around my dick. Amazing.

Me: Wish I could climb on top of you now though and feel you slip inside me.

BP: You did feel fucking good. And I did enjoy pulling your ass down so I could push myself in deeper….

Me: And when you were on top of me with my legs right up and you were just pushing yourself deeper and deeper inside me. That was amazing. And you asked if you were going to make me cum and I could hardly form words to answer you because it felt so good.

BP: Have you ever thought about being taken on top of your desk at work?

Me: No… but I am now. You walking into the office, bending me over forwards…

BP: Skirt or trousers? Doesn’t matter. They will be off. But heels on. As I reach around and start to play to get you wet as I start to ease the tip of my swelling cock inside you.

Me: I’d be begging you to let me feel more of you inside me. I’d push my hips towards you, so wet for your cock.

BP: I’d push back, going all the way inside you whilst pulling your hips in firmly, gripping you hard ….

BP: (I’ll be honest, don’t know how long I can keep this up for before I cum)

Me: I’m pretty close to it, teasing myself and thinking about you fucking me from behind…

Me: And then as things get faster you would pull my hair as you push inside me.

BP: That’s it. You just clinched it. I’m gone. You are outrageous. And a lot of fun.

Me: I’d like to lie you down on my bed, kneel between your legs, and slowly play with your cock… kissing the tip, flicking it lightly with my tongue. My hands gently sliding up and down you. I’d wrap my lips around you, slipping the tip into my mouth. You’d hold my hair back, gently pushing my head down so I take more of you into my mouth. ..

BP: Sounds fucking perfect. You should be here now.

Me: I wish! Just imagining you sliding in and out of my mouth until I can’t take any more of you.

BP: Oh shit. You know what works don’t you?

Me: Haha so that would feel good then?

BP: Couldn’t think of much that would feel better.

BP: What would you say if I told you I would pick you up, rip of your panties and fuck you against your bedroom wall so hard?

Me. Fuuuck. Imagining your hands on my ass, holding me up as you push yourself inside me…

BP: Ooo, that ass. I’ve got big hands, firm grip and strong thrust. I want to fuck you so you’re struggling to take a breath.

Me: Now imagining having my legs wrapped around you as you fuck me so hard, my nails digging into your back as I come for you..

BP: That feeling as you tighten up around me just makes me thrust harder, not letting you finish climaxing, then I put you on your bed whilst still inside, laying you on you back as I stay kneeling. I’d hold your legs together as I change the tempo, let you catch your breath as I slowly but firmly fuck your tight pussy.

Me: I’d want you to flip me over so I am face down on the bed. But you don’t enter me straight away, teasing me, running your hands all over me, squeezing my bum. And when I can’t wait any longer, you finally push your cock deep inside me, and I can’t stop myself from moaning because you feel so big inside me.

BP: I reach forward, hand onto your shoulder so I can pull myself as deep as I can go, feeling my fucking hard dick slide all the way into that dripping wet pussy.

BP: I work my other hand around your waist, walk my fingers across your front and down to play with your clit … Putting pressure on as I thrust deeper. Small circles with my hand as I do circles with my hips. Stimulating every part of you.

Me: Fuck, to have you on my bed right now…

BP: Love to see you kneeling in front of me, ass in the air as you take my dick in your mouth

Me: Mmm, as deep as I can manage, until you hit the back of my throat. Then just hold you there for a moment before I have to release you so I can gasp for breath

BP: You are so naughty. Can’t stop thinking about what you said about laying back on the bed hanging your head over and taking me in your mouth. Has been one of my fantasies.

BP: And I would love to cum all over your tits.

Me: It is such a fantasy of mine. You fucking my mouth as my body is just laid out for you to look at.

Me: Also wow about you cumming on my tits… that’s an amazing thought.

BP: You have to be running your fingers deep inside yourself for me to see as my dick goes deep in your mouth.

Me: You’d be able to see how wet I am, watch me arch my back as I tease my clit, my legs trembling as I get close to coming. ..

BP: I think the sight of that will have me at my limit in an instant. Matter of fact you have got me there.

BP: Naked spoon would be a win right now.

Me: Don’t want to seem pushy but I would definitely be after more than a spoon right now…. few glasses of wine and 2 hours of watching Brad Pitt topless in Fight Club and I am horny as … haha

BP: So would a naked spoon, rub of your clit and kissing of the neck work?

Me: That would work… also imagine feeling your erection behind me, pressing against my bum

BP Hope you realise I’m going to fuck you so much next time I see you.

Fuck yes.


This Morning’s Fantasy

I woke up this morning and couldn’t help but have a little daydream about BP. Enjoy…


Photo Credit: Hairotic

I am completely naked. Lying on my back, my head dangles over the edge of the bed. My long, red hair tumbles all the way down to the floor.

My hands glide across my soft skin: my thighs, my tummy, my breasts. I’m aroused now, my body tingling with anticipation. I gently squeeze my erect nipples between my forefinger and thumb. Between my legs, I feel warm: my clit is throbbing, my pussy swelling slightly as I become wet. My fingers are aching to explore down there, but I resist. I’m waiting. Waiting for him.

I can hear his footsteps outside the room. My breathing is unsteady and I feel my pelvic muscles tighten as he approaches. I see the door handle start to move, and for the first time, I feel a little nervous.

He steps inside. He’s tall and well built: even through his hoodie I can see the definition of his shoulders, arms, and pecs. He catches sight of me on the bed and pauses. His eyes wander across my naked body: vulnerable, exposed. He smiles.

He walks towards me, and crouches down so that his face is level with mine. His hands close around the back of my head, stroking my hair. He gently tilts my head upwards and kisses me lightly on the lips. I close my eyes and exhale slowly, my pussy aching to be touched. He releases me and stands up.

Upside down, I watch as he unbuttons his jeans to expose his cock. So far, he has been gentle with me – stroking my hair, kissing me lightly. But this would not be gentle. I don’t want it to be. I stare, mesmerized, at his huge cock, and I know exactly what I need him to do. I reach out and pull his hips towards my face. Without hesitation, he pushes himself deep into my open mouth. He reaches the back of my throat and my grip on his hips tightens slightly, but I don’t push him away. He holds himself there for a moment more, choking me, before withdrawing.

He watches as I gasp for breath, my chest rising and falling shakily. I close my eyes and open my mouth wide, inviting him to enter me, desperate to taste him again. He obliges, and roughly thrusts himself to the back of my throat. He fucks my face, and I am his slave: my cheeks burn red, sweat glistens on my forehead, saliva trickles from the corners of my mouth. He knows it is my fantasy to have him control me like this.

I let go of his hips, trusting him completely. My left hand teases my breasts, my right slides down to explore my pussy. Still fucking my face, he watches as I touch myself. He can see how wet I am for him, how my back arches in ecstasy as I begin to rub my clit, how my legs tremble as I approach my orgasm. Finally, I am in heaven: my left hand grasps the bed sheets tightly and I shudder as I reach my climax. As waves of pleasure roll across my body, he pushes himself deeper into my mouth than ever before. He lets out a moan, and I feel his cum hitting the back of my throat. He pulls out, and I swallow his load, still breathing heavily and trembling from my own orgasm.

He collapses onto the bed and pulls me closer to him. My jaw is aching, and I can still taste his cum in my mouth. I tremble slightly, my body still recovering from the intensity of it all. Sensing my vulnerability, he wraps his strong arms around me and holds me tightly. Tenderly, he kisses the top of my head. ‘You’re incredible’, he murmurs. I smile.